@uhzta seniors take on their final year!

Pete Kri$$. @petekrisss

Dayo's high school senior portraits display her excitement to head to college! Her smile radiates a blend of athletic achievement and the promise of a bright future in medicine.

Samantha wanted her senior photos to show her school pride for the University of Houston! She wanted to capture the sweet moments graduation by celebrating with her best friend. @_samanthahoke

Lauren's studio senior photos capture her coming to peace with the end of a long educational journey in the arts. She had a combination of film and digital photos for nostalgia. @mchaleincolor

Jelani's senior graduation photos paid tribute to his favorite grocery store Argus Farm market because their local and sustainable practices helped shape his consumer practices while keeping him nourished through college.

Tong wanted her senior graduation photos to be a commemoration of the transition out of childhood while reflecting on the fluctuation of freedom that you have as a child into a young adult. She wanted this told through film & digital photography.